
Mostrando entradas de agosto, 2013


Dance is one of the most important arts in the history, however many people think that it is not an art, that is just something to have fun or even worse, that is a sport, which is totally wrong. Also many people think that dance is just something for girls, that the boys who do it are gay, transvestite or whatever stupid things they want to say. The truth is that there are no more gay people that in other professions, and the truth are that many of the dancers are some of the most smart and capable in the world, because they need to study as all the kids do and also they need to study dance at the same time in their free time. So, if you see that they need to have 2 different lives, moreover some of the boys need to hide his dancer´s life because of the foolish, idiot and stupid people that makes fun of them. There are countries like USA, UK, Germany or France that people are getting more educated so they appreciated how hard it´s being a dancer and how important it is the ...


The Theory of Parallel Universes, one the most intricate cutting edge concepts of modern Physics, and an impossible concept to understand for the common people, until the well-known dummies series created this simplified version for all: “The multiverse is a theory in which our universe is not the only one, but states that many universes exist parallel to each other. These distinct universes within the multiverse theory are called parallel universes. A variety of different theories lend themselves to a multiverse viewpoint. Not all physicists really believe that these universes exist. Even fewer believe that it would ever be possible to contact these parallel universes. Level 1: If you go far enough, you’ll get back home The idea of Level 1 parallel universes basically says that space is so big that the rules of probability imply that surely, somewhere else out there, are other planets exactly like Earth. In fact, an infinite universe would have infinitely many plane...