An image of the universe through the telescope
(Photo: iflscience.com)
Recently, exciting news
for the parallel universes have been published:
“A new study submitted to the Astrophysical Journal has
claimed to have found evidence of
interactions between our universe and other universes by looking at the cosmic microwave
background (CMB). The scientist discovered an anomaly associated with some regions of the CMB, and he
believes it is evidence for alternate universes.
Dr Ranga Chary, the author of the
study, wrote that his observations could "possibly be due to the collision of our universe with
an alternate universe whose baryon to photon ratio is a factor of about 65 larger than
ours." A pre-print of the study, which is yet to be peer reviewed, is available on ArXiv.
The CMB is the first light that shone in the
universe. It was emitted 370,000 years after the
Big Bang when the universe was cool enough for hydrogen to form and the
originalphotons were free to move
without getting absorbed by the primordial matter.
Although it is very uniform, there are small but
detectable differences in the CMB which
correspond to regions of slightly different densities: the slightly denser
areas are the seeds where
galaxies and stars eventually formed.
The CMB is not the only microwave emission in the sky.
Hot dust and magnetic fields are
responsible for producing microwaves as well. When the CMB was mapped all those emissions were carefully modelled
and eliminated; this was to make sure that the signal observed was made up exclusively of the CMB photons.
Using these maps, Dr Chary from CalTech has
detected an anomalous emission associated
with five cold spots of the CMB (the blue areas in the map above), areas which were slightly denser after the Big Bang.
The researcher claims that these emissions
are consistent with a collision with an alternate universe.
Of course, this is just one possible explanation and a
pretty unverifiable theory at the moment.
It is also not the first time that researchers have made exceptional
claims about the CMB. Roger
Penrose claimed to have
detected concentric anomalies which were consistent
with his idea that the universe iterates through infinite cycles.
Others have claimed that, as the CMB looks the same
from every region of the universe, it
is the perfect place for aliens or divine beings to leave a message. If that
were to be the case, you might hope for
something along the line of Douglas Adams’ suggestion, where God’s final message to
his creation is: “We apologize for the inconvenience.”
paper suggests also a more commonplace and perhaps more realistic explanation
as, in 30% of the cases, the emission
is consistent with foreground sources which have not been exactly taken into account in the map”
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