Nowadays, the advances in technology and science have been enormous.
However, how can we know if we live in a parallel universe?:
“Thanks to advances in
technology and science, we know a lot more about our Universe today than we did
a century ago. But what if we're only looking at part of the picture? There are
several hypotheses in physics that suggest our Universe exists alongside
multiple others, nearly identical to our own, that we can't detect.
But according to theoretical physicist and bestselling
author Brian
Greene from Columbia University, there are ways we would be able to tell whether
our Universe is just one of many. And it has some pretty interesting
implications for the notion of free will.
"There are certain
versions of the multiverse that, should they be correct, might be most
susceptible to confirmation," Greene told Tanya Lewis over at Live Science.
First of all, we'd have
to know what type of multiverse we're living in. The two main suggestions
come from quantum mechanics and string theory, but the multiverse of quantum mechanics only
exists mathematically, which makes string theory a better candidate for
The general aim of string theory is to create a unified 'theory of
everything' based on the assumption that all matter in the Universe is made up
of tiny dancing 'strings' hidden deep within quarks, which control the type of
matter created by the pattern of their vibrations.
String theory is great
because it could unify quantum mechanics and gravity, but to work
mathematically, there must be 10 physical dimensions hidden away somewhere, as
opposed to the four that we see right now. This also means that there could be
a huge number of different universes tucked away too, each with varying
physical laws, such as different electron masses and constants of gravity.
Or as Greene puts it:
"If the Universe is a loaf of bread, everything we know about takes place
on one slice."
So how would we know if
we were living alongside these other multiverses? Well, in the case of string
theory, crumbs could migrate off our slice of bread onto another one as a
result of collisions, and we might be able to detect their missing energy
signatures using particle accelerators like the Large Hadron Collider at CERN.
An alternate hypothesis
is inflation, which suggests that our Universe expanded rapidly like a bubble
in the first fractions of a second after the Big Bang, and that other universes
may have done the same after many other big bangs.
In this case, our bubble
would be floating alongside other bubbles in a cosmic sea, and that means they
would interact. "Indeed, they inevitably must collide, leaving possible
signatures in the cosmic sky which we can try to search for," writes Eugene Lim, a theoretical and particle
physicists from King's College London in the UK.
Researchers are now
searching for any traces of these signatures – which could be voids or hot or
cold patches – in the cosmic microwave background left over from the Big Bang.
And earlier this week a cosmologist found evidence of what might be one of
these signatures. So what would it mean for humanity if it is?
As Greene explains, the existence of infinite multiple
universes would guarantee there would be at least one other you out there
coming across at least one other version of this article. One version of you
might decide to read it while another might not, which kind of messes with the
concept of free will.
But don't worry, because
according to Greene, free will doesn't exist
anyway as it's just a human sensation and not a particle that physics can
"When I move my
teapot, that sensation is absolutely real," says Greene. "But that's
all it is. It's a sensation."
So the bottom line is that we might one day be able to
detect evidence of parallel universes using high-tech experiments... but
whether we do or we don't doesn't really matter. Still, regardless of whether
it's nothing more than a sensation, we think it would be amazingly cool to know
that we're not the only lonely universe out there”
(, 2015)
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