This article was published on the 25th September 2014 on the world
famous science magazine, New Scientist:
“Every time you
make a choice, you spawn a multitude of universes, leading to umpteen other
yous – some of them living very different lives. This raises a myriad of moral
conundrums, from what we owe our other selves to the death of hope.
It sounds like a
concept from a philosopher's fevered imagination, but many physicists believe
the multiverse is real. And they've got evidence – here are four here are four
ways that multiverse may show itself in our everyday world.
1.The wave
This mathematical
entity describes the properties of any quantum system. Such properties –– an
atom's direction of spin, say –– can take several values at once, in what is
known as quantum superposition. But when we measure such a
property we only get a single value: – in the case of spin, it is either up or
In the traditional
Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics, the wave
function is said to "collapse" when the measurement is taken, but it
isn't clear how this happens. (Schrödinger's famous cat, neither alive nor dead
until someone looks inside its box, illustrates this.) In the multiverse, the
wave function never collapses: rather, it describes the property across
multiple universes. In this universe, the atom's spin is up; in another
universe, it's down.
In the landmark experiment, photons are were sent one at a
time towards a pair of slits, with a phosphorescent screen behind them. Take a
measurement at either slit, and you'll register individual photons passing
particle-like through one or the other. But leave the apparatus alone, and an
interference pattern will build up on the screen, as if each photon had passed
through both slits simultaneously and diffracted at each, like a classical
This dual
character has been described as the "central mystery" of quantum
mechanics. In the Copenhagen interpretation, it is down to wave function
collapse. Left to its own devices, each photon would pass through both slits
simultaneously: the measurement at the slit forces it to "choose".
One way to explain the interference pattern through many worlds, by contrast,
is that each photon only ever goes through only one slit. – Tthe pattern comes
about when a photon interacts with its clone passing through the other slit in
a parallel universe.
3. Quantum
Though quantum computers are in their infancy, they are in
theory incredibly powerful, capable of solving complex problems far faster than
any ordinary computer. In the Copenhagen interpretation, this is because the
computer is working with entangled "qubits" which can take many more
states than the binary states available to the "bits" used by
classical computers. In the multiverse interpretation, it's because it conducts
the necessary calculations in many universes at once.
4. Quantum Russian
This amounts to playing
the role of Schrödinger's cat. You'll need a gun whose firing is
controlled by a quantum property, such as an atom's spin, which has two possible
states when measured. If the Copenhagen interpretation is right, you have the
familiar 50-50 odds of survival. The more times you "play", the less
likely you are to survive.
If the multiverse is real, on the other hand, there
always will be a universe in which "you" are alive, no matter how
long you play. What's more, you might always end up in it, thanks to the
exalted status of the "observer" in quantum mechanics. You would just
hear a series of clicks as the gun failed to fire every time – and realise
you're immortal. But be warned: even if you can get hold of a quantum gun,
physicists have long argued about how this most decisive of experiments would
actually work out.”
(New Scientist, 2014)
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