Cosmic Background Radiation after the Big Bang
(Photo: Quora)
(Photo: Quora)
Recently astronomers, have found new proves that could
led us to find more information about our cosmological model, as well as
finding the first proof of the existence of the multiverse. In the article
below at the Astronomy Magazine, you will find more information about this:
“The cosmic
microwave background (CMB) is the fingerprint of the Big Bang. This remnant
radiation occurs throughout the sky, with a temperature 2.73 degrees above
absolute zero (about -454 degrees Fahrenheit, or -270 Celsius). While the CMB
is fairly uniform, it does have some (very small) fluctuations. These
fluctuations hold the key to details about both the Big Bang and the very early
lifetime of the universe. Now, researchers have determined that a Cold Spot, an
area of the CMB 0.00015 degrees below its surroundings, isn’t due to a
lack of matter in the area, as previously thought. Ruling out this mundane
possibility leaves open the door for more exotic explanations of the Cold Spot. In a study led by Ruari Mackenzi and Tom Shanks at
Durham University's Centre for Extragalactic Astronomy and published in
the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, the group
explores the possibility that a “supervoid” of space — an area lacking a
significant number of galaxies and other matter — is responsible for the Cold
Spot. Both regular matter and dark matter tend to clump together in space,
forming structures such as clusters and walls in some areas, while leaving
voids without much material in others. This effect is exacerbated by the
expansion of the universe, and causes the CMB coming from the direction of a
void to look different than CMB radiation that must travel through areas of
space more densely populated on its way to Earth. Previous
studies used a technique called photometric redshift to measure the distance of
galaxies in the direction of the Cold Spot. This technique uses a galaxy’s
perceived colors to estimate how far away it is, because more distant galaxies
appear redder than their nearby counterparts. However, photometric redshifts
often have significant uncertainties. Mackenzi and Shanks’ team instead used
spectroscopic redshifts, which break apart the light from an object and are much
more accurate, to determine the distance to 7,000 galaxies in the direction of
the Cold Spot with data from the Anglo-Australian Telescope. The more
accurate data revealed, however, that there is no supervoid in the direction of
the Cold Spot. Instead, that area of the sky looks much like the rest, with
clusters of galaxies and smaller voids between them. When the sky in the
direction of the Cold Spot was compared with another area of the sky without a
cooler CMB behind it, no significant difference was found. “The voids we have
detected cannot explain the Cold Spot under standard cosmology,” said MacKenzie
in a press
release detailing the
results. What does this
mean? Standard cosmology is the model we currently use to describe the universe
around us. Observations that challenge this model must be examined carefully,
but can be used to further refine our model to ensure it’s correct. Even without a
supervoid in the way, the team estimates a likelihood that the Cold Spot
appeared by random chance as 1 in 50. According to Shanks, “This means we can't
entirely rule out that the Spot is caused by an unlikely fluctuation explained
by the standard model. But if that isn't the answer, then there are more exotic
explanations.” Such exotic
explanations, he says, include “a collision between our universe and another
bubble universe. If further, more detailed, analysis of CMB data proves this to
be the case then the Cold Spot might be taken as the first evidence for
the multiverse – and billions of other universes may exist like our
own.” The multiverse describes a set of infinite universes, which
includes the one in which we live. To date, no evidence has been found that the
multiverse is more than science fiction, but researchers are continually
pushing the boundaries of the observable universe to determine whether this
concept is fact or fiction. While at the moment the Cold Spot is certainly not
definitive evidence of a multiverse, it does indicate a problem in our standard
cosmological model that may need addressing if the cause of the temperature
fluctuation in this area remains unclear”
Magazine, 2017)
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